Bar Louis  


Your Reservation


12:00 - 17:00


17:30 - 22:00
Ook open 1ste zondag van de maand!

Maak hier uw online reservatie

Reserveren Indien je 's avonds uitgebreid wil tafelen, gelieve dan vanaf 20:00 te reserveren. Alle reservaties tussen 12:00 en 20:00 hebben twee uur de tijd om te genieten van al het lekkers. Vanaf 20:00 kan u tafelen tot 23:00.

Indien je bij online reserveren problemen ondervindt, of een grotere tafel wenst te reserveren, helpen we je graag telefonisch verder op 016/585852.

Vanaf 6 personen is het aantal verschillende gerechten beperkt.

Alvast bedankt voor het begrip.
Looking forward to welcoming you to Bar Louis

Our story

What's good here?

Nice place! Who did all this anyway?

We cook things that make us happy, like our weekly specials: Chefs Pasta, Catch of the Day, Louis Meatpacking. Enjoy our tapas with a perfectly served Gin & Tonic, order a ‘Tuna Tataki’ and catch the scenery while sipping your rosé wine. Don’t leave Leuven before you tasted our famous ‘Big Louis’…
Nicolas Viaene, studied at the famous hotelschool ‘Ter Duinen’ and started his career as a deejay on the old market of Leuven. In 1997 he went on a world trip with his pushbike, when he came back he started his first restaurant, Le Fil! In 2006 he started with Bar Louis, a cosmopolitan bistro meets wine and cocktail bar with a laid-back vibe and cosy interior.


Grote Markt 2 • 3000 Leuven
België/Belgium +32 (0) 16 58 58 52
Open all week:Except 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday of the month
Kitchen:12:00 - 22:00
Drinks:14:00 - 18:00 & 21:00 - 23:00


Bar Louis is always looking to meet potential new employees. If you're intrested in working with us, please send your resume along with a brief introduction of yourself to